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Eating Disorders Documentaries

Six Serious Eating Disorders Documentaries

In this article, a collection of six eating disorders documentaries to enhance awareness on issues like anorexia, bulimia, obesity and more.

Intro: Eating Disorders Documentaries

Did you know when an eating disorder occurs? It is when someone’s distorted emotions and thoughts associated with body image result in marked changes in exercise or eating behaviors that interfere with their life.

According to health professionals, there are three eating disorders: bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS), like binge eating disorders. 

There is no single cause for this condition, but social, psychological, and biological factors may contribute. It affects all genders, ages, and races. If you want to get more informed about this topic, you can watch the documentaries about eating disorders below:

1. THIN - Anorexia Eating Disorder Documentary

This documentary on eating disorders follows the emotional stories of four girls living with anorexia. It details the everyday challenges of these girls to overcome the eating disorder. It promotes awareness that eating disorders affect millions of people in the United States, and someone may die from the illness. It also reflects if the healthcare system is ready to handle such conditions.

2. Our Daughter Won’t Eat - Anorexia Eating Disorder Documentary

Our Daughter Won’t Eat is one of the best eating disorders documentaries to watch. It is about the 16-year old anorexic Vicki Carter’s heartbreaking story. It shows her struggles against the eating disorder. It reveals the emotional complexities involved with the illness for both the sufferer and the family. She even fought her parents in the High Court as she refused to be tube-fed. However, her parents won the case.

3. Diabulimia: The World's Most Dangerous Eating Disorder - Documentary on Eating Disorders

This documentary on eating disorders is about diabulimia, which is more dangerous to its sufferers than anorexia or bulimia. Since it is an eating disorder with a chronic illness, someone must fight both daily. It is where someone with Type 1 diabetes gives himself less insulin than needed to lose weight. The documentary introduces the stories of Becky, Nabeelah, and Gemma, who suffer from this condition. 

4. Deadly Disorders: An Eating Disorder Documentary

In this eating disorder documentary, seven people voluntarily entered The Meadows Ranch for eating disorder treatment. The documentary tells the story of what life looks like living with an eating disorder. It also reveals what a day of treatment looks like for them. 

5. The Truth About Fussy Eaters - Documentaries about Eating Disorders

This eating disorder documentary tells about fussy eating, also referred to as Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. It reveals that the condition is not gaining immediate attention, unlike anorexia and bulimia. The stories here prove that fussy eating can pose a serious health risk and even death.

6. Obesity: A Deadly Risk - Eating Disorders Documentaries

This documentary discusses obesity as a global epidemic, where the US is considered the world’s fattest nation. It examines the environmental and genetic factors that contribute to the alarming rise of obesity cases. It also follows four patients fighting the condition.

Eating Disorders Documentaries: Conclusions

Did you find these documentaries helpful? If yes, don’t forget to share!

Picture Credits: @anniespratt on Unsplash

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