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Documentaries about Quantum Physics

10 Mind Bending Documentaries About Quantum Physics

Explore the best documentaries about Quantum Physics

Intro: Documentaries about Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is the study of the nature of energy and matter and how they interact. It is a new area of science that has been around for over a century, yet it still continues to baffle us with its complexity. To say that quantum theory is difficult is an understatement: it’s not just difficult to understand, but it’s also difficult to learn about.
Because so much of our world operates at the quantum level, it can be helpful to watch documentaries about the topic. These ten films provide a glimpse into this fascinating field and offer insight into why we should care about what goes on there. From learning about black holes and parallel universes to comprehending how cells work and understanding how time works, these are some must-see documentaries about quantum physics.

1. Quantum Theory - Quantum Physics Documentary

QM is a branch of physics that deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales. It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic lengths. QM provides a mathematical description for much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions in energy, matter, chemicals bonding - as well as many technological advances across our modern world today.

There are some advanced topics of quantum mechanics which have macroscopic (see macroscopic quantum phenomena) and extreme energies or temperatures. Examples include the angular momentum of an electron bound to a molecule, in contrast to an unbound electron; the wave--particle duality of energy and matter; and the uncertainty principle provide a unified view as it relates to photons, electrons, atoms - all atomic-scale objects.

These mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics are abstract. They require understanding complex numbers and linear functionals in order to understand the wave function formulation, which treats a particle as a quantum harmonic oscillator. The mathematics is similar to that describing acoustic resonance but it is not easy for us to visualize results in terms of classical mechanics.

John Wheeler explains that quantum mechanics allows for more chaotic possibilities and a non-zero energy state, rather than static and unchanging zero.

2. The Mind Bending Story Of Quantum Physics Part 1/2

Quantum physics starts at the beginning of the 20th century with scientists trying to understand how light bulbs work. Over time, this question led them deep into hidden workings of matter and reality where they discovered phenomena unlike anything encountered before - a realm were things can be in many places simultaneously or where chance and probability call all the shots.

Albert Einstein didn't believe in chance. He thought that quantum physics had proved there was no reality without cause, and he believed this problem would lead to the collapse of science altogether. However, what Einstein did not know was that his insight about a fatal flaw in quantum mechanics wasn't taken seriously until tested later on with modern technology. Professor Al-Khalili reiterates these experiments and poses the question: "Does reality really exist? Is it all an illusion?".

3. Exploring The World Of Quantum Physics with Jim Al-Khalili Part 2/2

Quantum mechanics is also closely linked to the process of photosynthesis, which plants and trees undertake. In this exploration, we explore how quantum physics could answer one of the greatest mysteries in biology: evolution.

4. The Secrets of Quantum Physics - Documentaries about Quantum Physics

The Secrets of Quantum Physics is a documentary that explores the little-understood world of quantum physics. It's an entertaining, informative, and educational watch for anyone who wants to learn more about the how and why of our universe.

5. Quantum Mechanics of the Human Brain & Consciousness - BBC Documentary

This is a BBC documentary that explores the Quantum Mechanics of the Human Brain and Consciousness. The film covers what quantum mechanics is, how it relates to consciousness and how it impacts our daily lives.

6. Quantum Riddle

This video is the full documentary of the Quantum Riddle - an experiment that was created by two Nobel Prize winners and that explores how human behavior affects quantum systems.
Quantum Riddle explores how human decisions can influence the choices of a complex computer system. The experiment starts with a game in which players try to win points by estimating probabilities of basic events, such as 1/3rd of heads when flipping a coin. The more they guess correctly, the more points they earn.

7. Quantum Physics & Quantum Theory - Discovery Science Documentary

This is a documentary about the theory of quantum mechanics and how it works and what it means for our world. A group of scientists, engineers, and physicists explains the theory behind this revolutionary idea. This is a must-see for anyone interested in science and how it applies to our world.

8. Athene's Theory of Everything

The story of how new developments in neuroscience and a solution to current unsolved problems in physics could profoundly change how we see life, death and the origins of universe. The world is at an exciting time where scientific discoveries are being made that will help us understand our own existence better than ever before. We're able to now answer questions like: What makes us human? Where did everything come from? How does consciousness work? And what is the nature of reality itself?

9. Amazing World of Quantum Entanglement

Physicists have gradually become convinced that quantum entanglement is real, but it hasn't been fully understood - as evidenced by the confusion over whether or not it's an actual phenomenon. Scientists are working to decipher and harness the power of quantum mechanics in order to benefit society at large, but there remains a few doubts about how aggressive this endeavor should be. Throwing caution entirely out the window for now, scientists in a ground-breaking experiment on quasars attempted to use them as observation points so they could once again settle any remaining questions surrounding its validity from one end of our universe with certainty.

From an experiment studying quasars at opposite ends of the universe to probing the interactions of elementary particles, researchers are gathering insights that could shatter the laws of space and time and provide a radical new understanding of the universe. From China's satellite test in an attempt to give us an idea how quantum communication might be possible, this documentary presents cutting-edge work. And considering various implications of what is coming next as we progress into our "quantum revolution" with regards making sense out some things which seem impossible now - like entangling particles on a satellite from down here on Earth and shooting them back up there again once they've reached their destination (couldn't happen due to light speed limitations I mean) -- it reveals creative ways for scientists all over planet Earth who have been racing each other in this domain haven’t stopped trying either.

In a new study in the journal Science, physicists from China were able to entangle photons aboard satellites and then beam them down to three ground stations across China. It's an unprecedented feat as scientists have never been able to do this before - not only was it successful on a quantum level, but they even retained that connection after traveling more than 700 miles!

Physicists still find entanglement hard to imagine and understand even today, considering the origins of it in quantum theory research which took place early on in 20th century. When particles are entangled, their states are linked together across space-when one particle is observed, its properties become frozen as well. Einstein wasn't a fan of this idea because it suggested that communication between particles could travel instantaneously faster than the speed of light (Einstein hated "spooky action at a distance").

According to the scientists involved, it is time for a new way of information transfer. They are attempting something called "quantum communication" which creates what could be seen as an ultra-private channel for sending messages. The worrisome thing about this experiment is that once one part of these particles sends its message, it instantly affects the other particle without any kind of warning as if they were telepathically connected in some oddball manner..

10. Atom: The Illusion Of Reality (Jim Al-Khalili)

Professor Jim Al-Khalili's documentary series about the basic building block of our universe, the atom. In it, he explores how studying this particle forced us to rethink reality itself and encounter ideas that seem like science fiction but are in fact a central part of modern science. He discovers there might be parallel universes where different versions of ourselves exist, as well as finding out that empty space is not actually empty at all - rather seething with activity! The world we think we know - one made up mostly from solid substances and sensations you can see or feel with your own eyes/hands/feet- turns out to be just a tiny sliver compared to an infinitely wider universe than what even our wildest dreams could conceive.

The discovery by scientists back in 1809 when everything was shown to have substance based on atoms has been massively influential for scientific research ever since; information about matter had been hidden throughout time before being revealed through these experiments surrounding atomism, which ultimately led into later discoveries such as quantum mechanics being brought forth by other scientists after them (like Einstein) who took the findings around atomic weighting further while also creating their own breakthroughs never seen before during times past within their respective fields; all thanks because they were able to.

Conclusions: Documentaries about Quantum Physics

Documentaries about quantum physics are an interesting way to learn about a new and emerging field. These documentaries will introduce you to the concept of quantum physics and the various theories that have been proposed in the field.

Keep exploring!

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